COVID-19 Patient Resources

How To Protect Your Family From COVID-19

COVID-19 can affect everyone. Up to 40% of adults with COVID-19 do not show symptoms and may unknowingly spread the virus. More and more children, teens, and young adults have COVID-19 with serious symptoms and are bringing it home to their family. By following the guidelines below you can empower your loved ones to guard against COVID-19 and protect the health of EVERYONE.

Watch this video for step-by-step instructions on how to select, properly put on and wear a mask to protect against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

Wear a Mask

AIRBORNE COVID-19 is how people usually catch the virus, so masks work!

Are you wearing the right kind of mask?

Denver health’s chief medical office Dr. Connie Price discusses how to select the right kind of mask to protect you and your family.

Ways To Guard Against COVID-19

  • Wear a mask
  • Stay home whenever possible
  • Keep six feet of social distance (about the length of a yoga mat, alligator, or couch)
  • Sneeze or cough into a tissue
  • Store your mask in a clean, paper bag
  • Don’t touch your face
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces regularly
  • Wash your hands regularly
  • Use hand sanitizer frequently
  • Wash cloth masks every day

Understanding COVID-19

COVID-19 is the disease, SARS-CoV2 is the virus. So technically we don't pass COVID-19 to one another, we pass SARS-CoV2. Below is how SARS-CoV2 is spread.

  • The virus is airborne, through droplets and aerosols from talking, laughing, singing, sneezing, coughing, and more.
  • The virus is also on surfaces. You can get it from touching a contaminated surface and then touching your face

Am I at greater risk for severe COVID-19 symptoms?

COVID-19 affects everyone, but some people will experience more severe symptoms. Talk to a health care provider about your risk if you are age 60 and older and/or if you have any of the underlying conditions.

  • Cardiovascular disease including hypertension
  • COPD/chronic lung disease/moderate to severe asthma
  • If you are immunocompromised
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Or have a BMI >=30

What To Do if You Think You Have COVID-19

To see what it's like to get tested, watch this video. It's not as scary as you think.
If you are feeling sick or have been exposed to COVID-19, it is important that you go get tested right away for peace of mind and to protect others. COVID Symptoms can take up to 14 days to appear and can include:
  • Cold symptoms
  • Fever greater than 100.3°
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Sore throat, cough
  • Body aches
  • Unexplained tiredness
  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Loss of taste or smell
  • Congestion, runny nose

If you have any combination of these symptoms:

  • Isolate: Stay away from others, even those in your house. Limit going out.
  • Wear a mask to protect others.
  • Ask your primary care provider if they offer Telehealth visits.
  • Call Denver Health's Nurse line 303-739-1211 if you don't have a health provider.
  • Go get tested - it's free. Use the link below to find free testing near you.
  • Continue to stay away from others and wear a mask until you get a negative test and feel better!

Getting Tested for COVID-19

When in doubt, get tested! It's free and convenient. Find a free COVID-19 testing site near you.

How To Quarantine When You Think You Have COVID-19

Wondering what the difference is between Quarantine and Isolation?
If you have been exposed to COVID-19, you should go get tested and then quarantine. Quarantining keeps you from spreading the virus unknowingly. If you have been exposed to COVID-19, quarantine for 14 days or until you get a negative COVID-19 test.

The best way to quarantine is to stay at home. That isn't always realistic. So if possible, do not visit crowded places, like super markets or public transportation. If you do leave the house, social distance (at least 6 feet), wash your hands, and wear a mask to protect others.

Watch for Symptoms

  • Is your heart racing? Are you feeling more fatigued than normal?
  • Are you having trouble breathing? Are you coughing uncontrollably?
  • Are you dizzy and lightheaded? Are your normal activities too difficult?
  • Check your temperature? Do you have a fever? Are you shaking?
  • Can you smell and taste food? How is your appetite? Are you vomiting?

What To Do if You Have COVID-19?

So you have a positive COVID-19 test. Ask your health care provider if and how you can take care of yourself at home. If you are able to stay home, see the back of this of handout for how to isolate. You can also call the Denver Health Nurse line 303-739- 1211. Press “2” for Spanish and press “3” for any other language.

Thousands of people have had COVID-19 in the U.S. You aren't alone, and it's ok to tell people you have it. Protect your community by letting people know they may have come in contact with COVID-19. Read stories on overcoming the stigma of being diagnosed with COVID-19.

Monitor Your Symptoms

If your symptoms are getting worse, it's time to go to the hospital. Use a pulse oximeter, or count your heart rate. Use a thermometer to check your temperature. If you wait too long to get help, it can it can literally be life and death.If you answer yes to the questions in the picture, it's time to come in.

  • Is your heart racing? Are you feeling more fatigued than normal?
  • Are you having trouble breathing? Are you coughing uncontrollably?
  • Are you dizzy and lightheaded? Are your normal activities too difficult?
  • Check your temperature? Do you have a fever? Are you shaking?
  • Can you smell and taste food? How is your appetite? Are you vomiting?

How To Isolate When You Have COVID-19

Stay home and stay isolated until you have ALL of these indicators of health!

Monitor your symptoms. If they are getting worse, it is time to call 911.

  1. At least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared.
  2. At least 24 hrs with no fever without using any medication for reducing a fever (like tylenol).
  3. Your symptoms have improved.

Isolating With Family Members in the Home

  • Always wear a mask.
  • Stay in a room just for you.
  • Stay away from your pets.
  • Stay away from everyone, especially people at high risk.
  • Use a separate bathroom.
  • If you cannot, you must wear a mask when going to the bathroom.
  • Let the room ventilate before anyone else uses it and wipe down surfaces with bleach products after each use.
  • Sanitize your area regularly and make sure it has good ventilation (close to a window you can open).

How To Treat COVID-19

It is your right to ask about the latest treatments for COVID-19. Currently, you should ask specifically if remdesivir and/or dexamethasone are treatment options for them. At this time, anyone with low oxygen is a candidate but there are some underlying medical conditions that might increase the risk of adverse effects with either medication. Patients should ask why they aren't being treated with one or othe other if hospitalized. Convalesent plasma is currently more controversial and there aren't firm data that it's truly efficacious. However for most people the risk is low so that's why i included it and I think patients should be empowered to ask about this too. Some over the counter medicine can be harmful for people with underlying medical conditions. Treatment of symptoms with over the counter medications may help you feel better but that you should always check with your provider if it is safe if you have other medical problems, are on other medications.

Can I treat COVID-19 at home?

Before treating yourself at home, check with a health care provider. Tell them about any medical issues you have and ask them if over the counter medications will help you. Feel free to ADD green tea, vitamins, fruits, vegetables, and get a little sun while still being isolated, but these CANNOT cure COVID-19.

Treatments Available To You at the Hospital

  • Remdesivir: Slows the virus from replicating in the body
  • Dexamethasone: Reduces the inflammation caused by the immune system fighting the virus
  • Convalescent plasma: Plasma donated by people who have fully recovered from COVID-19 infection. This plasma contains antibodies that may help you recover faster

Harmful COVID-19 Treatment Myths

There are a few myths about COVID-19 treatments that can actually hurt you. If you aren't sure if a treatment is legitimate, call your doctor or health care provider. The following treatments DO NOT cure COVID-19:

  • Inhaling bleach
  • Hydroxychloroquine
  • Consuming alcohol
  • HIV medications
  • Only using herbal remedies

How To Pay for COVID-19

We’ve compiled a list of resources to help with COVID-19 related costs (food, housing, etc.) Is there a resource we missed? Email us and let us know!

Health Care Coverage Options

If you are able, look into getting health care coverage that is right for you. Also any major medical system has an office or department for enrollment that can assist you. You can also start with the health exchange.

Denver Public Health and Denver Health is a safe place for patients. We protect ALL patient information.

What if health care is not an option?

In Colorado, Emergency Medicaid will cover the costs of going to the emergency room and being hospitalized with COVID-19. Once you leave the hospital, Emergency Medicaid will cover oxygen and 2 primary care visits. Emergency medicaid is available for uninsured and or individuals without status.

The cost of helping people without insurance isn't transferred to the general public.

How Interviews and Contact Tracing Helps the Community

  • Watch this video about contact tracing.
    Letting people know they have been exposed to COVID-19 allows them to take steps to get ahead of the virus and protect others as well.
  • Your information is being used to track the virus and for no other reason.
  • When you work with a contract tracer, you're helping your community prosper and stay safe.


A highly trained contact tracing staff member will call you and ask a few questions. They are mapping out who you have been in close contact with, so they can call each person and let them know they have been exposed to COVID19.

Contact Tracing

Once they have mapped this, the staff member will call the individuals who had close contact to let them know quickly and sensitively that they have been exposed. They will also offer these individuals resources and support. By law, contact tracers cannot name who has COVID-19. You will remain anonymous as your patient privacy is protected.


The contact tracer will then advise your contacts to quarantine so they can protect themselves and their loved ones. They will also learn about their symptoms and how to monitor them. If they develop symptoms, they will also be given resources to go get tested. If they do have COVID-19, the process of contact tracing starts again.

The What, How, and Why of Vaccination

If you're vaccinated and likely not to be affected by a disease, you will also lower the chance that you spread the disease to those you love, or to those who are vulnerable.

A vaccine has the same germs that cause disease, but the germs have been killed or weakened, so that you won't get sick. That way your body learns to fight the weak version of the disease and has a better chance of fighting the full-blown disease.

COVID-19 and the flu together could really hurt communities and overwhelm hospitals. Vaccinate, so that we can do everything we can to protect our loved ones.

Immunization Clinic

Denver Public Health's Immunization Clinic offers all routine and recommended vaccinations, including flu shots, for children, adults, and travelers. They accept Medicaid and provide no- and low-cost vaccines for people without insurance. You can call them at 303-602-3520 for more information or to make an appointment.

How To Take Care of Yourself in the Time of COVID-19

Managing Your Current Health Conditions

Conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, lung disease, and being immunocompromised can make COVID-19 worse (even deadly) for people living with these conditions. Connect with a doctor now to make a plan to manage your health. A complete plan should include nutrition, exercise, necessary medicines, and other healthy habits. However, you don't have to have a complete plan to get started. Five minutes for your body and mind can go a long way to manage stress, even when you're short on time and resources.

Take Care of Your Body

Try to exercise, if only for a few minutes a day. Exercise can take many forms, including walking your dog, dancing to some music while you do chores, or gardening. It helps with stress, anxiety, depression, and high blood pressure. Talk to your health care provider about exercise that is right for your health and body type.

Take Care of Your Mind

COVID-19 is hitting everyone really hard. Manage worry by taking a walk, taking a few deep breaths, talking to someone you trust. If you're not able to sleep or are feeling worried or sad most of the time, seek professional care. Social connection is important for feeling happy and well. Carve out time to talk with loved ones and people you care about, even though it's at a distance.

Read more about maintaining your mental health during COVID-19.

COVID-19 Resources in Multiple Languages

Please download the PDF and print as needed. 

  • COVID-19 Patient Resources English
  • COVID-19 Patient Resources Spanish
  • COVID-19 Patient Resources Amharic
  • COVID-19 Patient Resources Vietnamese